聖誕節快到了,阿福跟福爸福媽和福弟帶我一起在下午的時候到奇美博物館參加闖關遊戲,我們很幸運得通過一關又關,開心的拿到聖誕大禮。 我們又前往阿福家的貢丸攤體驗台南道地傳統市場的魅力,大家都好熱情唷 ! 我玩的好開心 !
Christmas is around the corner! I stayed with Lee's family.
We joined a big party in Chi Mei Museum. We need to complete different tasks such as eating cookies without using our hands! We were also asked to separate red and green beans in a box! Lee tried his best. Afterward, we got our lovely Christmas gift! We then went to Lee's family pork ball stand at a traditional market in Tainan city. The people here are very welcoming! I had a good time !!