2020年1月13日 星期一

A trip to Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum


        A trip to Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum    2019.11.16



 This Tuesday, we had a school field trip to Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum. Naomi and I were on the same team. Fo Guang Shan Temple is the best known Buddhist center in southern Taiwan and is the largest Buddhist monastery in Taiwan. The design of the Buddha Memorial Center is inspired by both an Indian stupa and the Mahabodhi Temple inside the Bodhgaya religious site in India. Above it sits the world’s tallest bronze sitting Buddha statue. In front of the statue is the Way to Buddhahood path flanked by Eight Pagodas on either side, making it perhaps the most magnificent Buddhist landmark in southern Taiwan.

Before arriving at Fo Guang Shan Buddha  museum, we passed some very special terrain called "Moon World", a world-class landform spectacular. This area's distinctive mud-stone is ocean-floor sediment that was raised by tectonic uplift. Following years of erosion by the area's waterways, such as the Erren River, the mudstone landscape took on its current appearance. Moon World is a result of the mudstone features being weakly lithified aquitards.

Naomi and I enjoyed the free time at Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum. We took a group photo and go back to school at 4p.m.

