A Trip to Anping 2019.11.30
今天我和瑋仁一家人一起去安平玩,我們參觀了運河、砲台,也吃了蚵仔煎、蝦捲、滷肉飯和魚羹湯,許多食物是我之前沒有嘗試過的,吃飽飯後瑋仁爸爸還買蘋果汽水給我們喝,又甜又有氣泡是我今天最喜歡的飲料! 參觀運河和砲台的時候我才知道,17世紀的台南是一個國際城市,安平就在海邊,有很多人在這裡做生意,也有一些人想攻占這裡,所以才建了砲台和城牆,不過那是很久以前的事情了,現在已經沒有戰爭了,我還坐在古代的大砲上面拍照!
Brian and I went to Anping today. The history of Anping dates back to the 17th century when the Dutch East India Company occupied a "high sandy down" called Tayouan and built Fort Zeelandia. The Dutch moved their headquarters to Tayouan after leaving the Pescadores in 1624. Due to silting, the islet has joined with mainland Taiwan.
We visited a canal, Anping Fort and Eternal Golden Fortress. A combined Dutch military and commercial force captured modern-day Anping in 1624, and built Fort Zeelandia as its defensive stronghold, which was completed in 1634. During the Qing Dynasty, excessive silting of the Taijiang shore gradually reduced the fort's importance, and it was neglected after being damaged by Qing soldiers who took building materials for the building of the Eternal Golden Castle. The fort was rebuilt after the Japanese Colonial Period and renamed Anping Old Fort after World War II.
We also ate an oyster omelet, shrimp roll, braised pork on rice and starch coated pork. I ate a lot of local Tainan food I had never eaten before. After eating lunch, Brian's father bought me an apple soda, apple soda is my favorite drink in Tainan.