2017年5月22日 星期一

台南都會公園&仁德糖廠&興達漁港之旅 A trip to Tainan Metropolitan Park, Rende Sugur Refinery and Xingda Harbour

台南都會公園&仁德糖廠&興達漁港之旅   106.01.07

A trip to Tainan Metropolitan Park, Rende Sugar Refinery and Xingda Harbour


Today Windy took me to Tainan Metropolitan Park which is near my school. It's very beautiful there. 


Later, we went to Rende Sugar Refinery to eat the ice cream. Rende Sugar Refinery is famous for its ice cream. " Red bean with milk ice" was my favorite flavor. 


傍晚,雅雅的家人帶我去到高雄很有名的情人碼頭,旁邊就是興達漁港,那裏有許多的漁船,載著許多新鮮海鮮,有很多魚、蝦及螃蟹,都是我沒有看過的! 真是新奇!

At night, Windy's family and I went to the famous harbor, Lover's Wharf. which is located in Kaohsiung. Xinda Harbour is near the Lover's Wharf. There are a lot of fresh seafood and crabs on the fishing vessels. I have never seen a lot of seafood before.  



