2020年3月14日 星期六

Visiting Kevin's Grandma in Guanmiao

                   Visiting Kevin's Grandma in Guanmiao  2020.01.16

     宏文帶我到外婆的關廟家,沿途我們經過了當地的信仰中心-代天府 ,宏文跟我介紹背後的石雕香爐是拜拜後要將線香放置的地方,向天神祈求平安順利的意思。廟裡有龍 跟老虎栩栩如生的石雕,讓人心生敬畏。接著我們到了外婆家,社區裡有好多壁畫,我最喜歡一幅有鵝在吊橋下悠遊的愜意壁畫,上面還寫著可愛的童謠,鵝群的怡然自得令人嚮往。

     Last week, Kevin went to his grandmother's home. He took me to visit his grandmother. Her grandmother lives in Guanmiao, where is a rural district in southeastern Tainan. We visited a famous temple, called “ Dai Tian Temple”. The temple was originally constructed in the 17th century as the Baoning Temple. After an earthquake, the temple was relocated to another place and renamed Bao'an Temple. In 1955, the temple was rebuilt and renamed Madou Daitian Temple. The construction took around 10 years to be completed.
     Kevin introduced the incense burner to me and show me how to do the worship. There are several dragons and tigers hanging on the wall. With great reverence for the god, we have stayed in Dai Tian Temple for one hour. The stone sculpture was amazing! I like it.

Look at the suspension bridge on the mural. And there was a goose nursery rhyme written in red on the picture. We love it.

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