2020年3月15日 星期日

Earthquake drill in School

                             Earthquake Drill in School      2020.03. 13
      今天在學校有一場讓我們練習地震時該如何保護生命安全的演習,首先我們會聽到警報器鈴聲大響,接著我們必須快速躲到堅硬的物品或器材下掩護頭部,保命的口訣是:蹲下、 掩護 、穩住,最後等地震停止後,我們須快速的戴上防災頭套並迅速到空曠的操場集合點名確認大家的安全。每一學期經由防災及逃生演練,讓我們學習到災難發生時該如何保護自己的生命安全。

      We had an earthquake disaster prevention drill at school today. It started after a magnitude 7.3 earthquake devastated central Taiwan and left more than 2,000 people dead in 1999. From that time, schools in Taiwan have held an earthquake drill every once a semester. First, we heard the earthquake alarm. We were taught the three steps to take in an earthquake: "get down, take cover, and hold on". Then we squeeze ourselves or our heads under the space. Also, we need to hold on to the desk lags to prevent the big strike. Finally, when the alarm stops we were assembled in our sports field. The government hopes everyone in Taiwan can take precautions and be prepared so that when a disaster hits, we can keep losses and damage to a minimum.

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