A trip to Taichung 2019.11.15
星期五我跟著Gima一起去她爸爸的同事家喝茶聊天,他們還請我們吃飯,不久之後我們到了飯店放好行李就去逛逢甲夜市,那裡真是人擠人!之後回到飯店休息,隔天吃完早餐就去了麗寶樂園,從早一直玩到晚上,好過癮!星期日我們離開飯店又去了台中歌劇院照相留念,還去了台中科工館,Gima 爸爸買門票帶我們進去看很久以前的化石,還玩了闖關遊戲。最後在彰化老街吃了肉圓和豆花之後,就跟著Gima一起回到了台南,這個週末真開心!
We visited Gima's father's colleague. We went to a lot of places in Taichung. After checking in the hotel, we went to the Fengja night market. The Fengjia Night Market is one of Taichung's famous commercial business districts, covering approximately one kilometer in diameter around Feng Chia University and includes the Fengjia-Wenhua Night Market, Fengjia Rd., and Fuxing Rd. In this CBD, you can find delicious snack foods, quality clothes at reasonable prices to express your unique personality, and the trendiest mobile phones at excellent bargain prices. We ate a lot of local food.
On Saturday morning, we went to the Lihpao resort. Lihpao is an amusement park. We went on the roller coaster, Ferris wheel and into the haunted house. This was an extremely enjoyable trip.
After visiting the Taichung Metropolitan Opera House, we ate ba-wan and tofu pudding in Changhua. It was a really fun weekend.